Now More Than Ever, Let Us Bring About a “Social Spring” Into The World

In these weeks, a huge amount of sophisticated and beautiful objects is being produced. An “output”which is far superior to that of all the factories around the globe.
We are so used to it that we don’t even notice it: it’s Mother Earth in Spring, aided by all the beings that are connected to her and producing an incredible amount of leaves, herbs and flowers… weaving air, water and mineral matter with light and heat. And blowing life into it.


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Are People better than Power?

A good question…when we carefully look around us, we find many examples of selfishness in our daily lives. But we can also come across plenty of good people who dedicate themselves to others, who wouldn’t hurt a fly, people who are ready to help selflessly…  it’s a phenomenon that has certainly been growing in recent decades. But in order to realize this, we have to look around ourselves in real life and try not to stop at what the terrorism of power controlled media constantly tries to tell us…


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Which foods guarantee a healthy nutrition?

Our planet is teeming with all sorts of beings: minerals, plants, animals, and humans. Then there are beings we don’t see, who inhabit other planes and dimensions, operating on invisible but fundamental aspects of our reality, such as the vital plane and the psychic plane. Ancient traditions defined the former as “etheric”, the latter as “astral”. (more…)

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