4 Beautiful Examples Of Cultural Traditions That Celebrate Hospitality, Generosity and Kindness

There are traditions around the world that celebrate generosity, hospitality, kindness and mutual help, which may be of inspiration during these difficult times. From Greece to South Africa, from Japan to Italy, here are some of the most beautiful traditions in the name of kindness and sharing….


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How Costa Rica Stopped And Reversed Deforestation – An Economic Model We Could All Learn From.

In the 70s and 80s, Costa Rica had the highest deforestation rates in Latin America, but the following decades saw an authentic revolution. The country has been able to stop its deforestation and begin replanting. Conservation efforts have allowed to regrow almost all the trees it had lost.


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Study Shows That Screen-Time Negatively Influences Children’s Imagination

Sebastian P. Suggate and Philipp Martzog of the University of Regensburg have examined and been able to demonstrate that screen‐time negatively influences children’s capacity to use imagination. The results were published in April 2020 in Developmental Science, the leading journal in the field of Developmental Psychology / Pedagogical Psychology . and reported by the Eliant Group.


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World’s Rarest Gorilla Species Spotted By Hidden Cameras As They Carry New Babies!

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has published the first images in years of a group of Cross River gorillas – a subspecies on the verge of extinction – with a number of infants and young specimens of different ages!


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This French City Transforms Public Land And Parks Into Huge Vegetable Gardens For Families In Need

Fresh vegetables to help those who are in need: this is the goal set by “Paysages Nourriciers“,  the program with which the Nantes administration (France) has decided to provide free vegetables to those families affected by the economic and social crisis linked to the pandemic.


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