Farmers buy a Lidl supermarket and turn it into a farmer’s market

Alsace (France): a collective of farmers bought a supermarket previously owned by the Lidl chain and transformed it into a direct sales market. Here, the logic of large retailers is reversed to the full advantage of product quality, prosperity for the local economy and a relationship of trust with consumers.

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Indian village plants 111 trees every time a girl is born (video)

Typically, in Asian cultures the birth of a girl is considered an unfortunate responsibility because of the dowry system that places a financial burden on parents. For this reason, daughters are not celebrated like sons. But in a village in India, residents honor the birth of a daughter with a unique ritual: they plant one hundred and eleven fruit trees.


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A 100% organic model is possible: Sikkim’s example

Pawan Kumar Chamling, Prime Minister of the Indian state of Sikkim, explained, during a meeting in Rome (Italy), how his state converted 100% of its agricultural production to organic. Vandana Shiva, president of Navdanya International and member of the executive committee of the World Future Council, was also present along with several other political figures. (more…)

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